It’s an organization that is at the service of all the Boxing of the world.
It is a modern and innovative organization of all styles and disciplines.
In Spain there are about 6,000 affiliate partners, around 350,000 members in more than 60 countries worldwide.
Over 2,300 affiliated schools in the world connected interactively to GBF.
Welcomes all BOXING
This organization is represented at national and international level. Each style has its own rules and criteria.
Democratic representations through the representatives, regional, national and international delegates.
Granted degrees and degrees recognized by GBF and other legitimate national and international organizations.
We maintain a Central national and international degrees, including curriculum of each affiliate.
We maintain a list of promotions for members of all contact sports, according to ability, contribution and responsibility.
We offer courses, colloquia, seminars, examinations of degrees at national and international level.
International, national and regional Championships are held in all styles.
GBF is presided over by EMILIO BERTRAN, this organization has an international level and therefore it is governed by its own statutes and internal regulations, legal entity with full capacity to act.
Avda. Madrid, 15
25002 – Lleida (Spain)
Phone: (0034) 973300926
Email: secretary@gbfworld.com
Website: https://gbfworld.com


As President of the GLOBAL BOXING FEDERATION (GBF) and on behalf of the International Board of Directors that I chair, I want to welcome all visitors to this website, an open and direct communication space, created to make the world aware of our work in sports and culture.
GBF faces the new millennium with the challenge of consolidating itself as the international axis of BOXING. For years we have been able to harmonize our work in favor of our associates by organizing seminars, events, training courses, graduations, etc…, with great international recognition as a FEDERATION of meetings and knowledge with a renewed vocation for modernity and innovation.
GBF is, above all, an open and universal FEDERATION, which is firmly committed to development in all fields of life and knowledge.
A FEDERATION with a formidable sports activity and a clear determination in favor of the best services for our associates.
These and other conditions have led GBF to establish itself as one of the best international organizations.
With the same enthusiasm and interest, and within the framework of new technologies, we make this important work tool available to the entire collective of MARTIAL ARTS and CONTACT SPORTS, through which we intend to offer our associates efficient administration services. and agile.
Through this instrument you will be able to quickly access all the departments and learn first-hand about the different activities that GBF organizes and approves. Information that, without a doubt, requires your complicity to improve it every day, contributing your reflections and suggestions.
And to this objective we dedicate our greatest efforts and all our enthusiasm.
GBF President